My Wether
"Because weather happens..."

Soda Springs, ID

Weather Summary

beautiful Soda Springs, Idaho"/>

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          <h2>5-Day Forecast</h2>

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      <h2 class="article-title">Classes Canceled Due to Weather</h2>
      <h3 class="article-subtitle">By NECIA P. SEAMONS Citizen editor </h3>
      <p class="article-body">Both the Preston School District and West Side School District will be closed tomorrow,
        Feb. 14, due to the weather and the amount of snow that has fallen today. At least eight inches of heavy wet
        snow has fallen on the valley floor. Much more has fallen in the higher elevations. Find the rest of the story<a href=""
          target="_blank" rel="external site for The Preston Citizen newspaper"><span> here.</span></a>
      <img class="grid-item image" src="images/prestonschoolsclosedweather.imagesm.jpg" srcset="images/prestonschoolsclosedweather.imagesm.jpg 400w,
                   images/prestonschoolsclosedweather.image.jpg 800w"
        sizes="85vw" alt="snow plow working to clear Preston